Severe Vomiting and Diarrhea

Pet diarrhea or vomiting happens occasionally, but if you see repeated incidents within a short period, you should seek treatment at an animal hospital. Our veterinarian in Toledo, Dr. Moore, has dealt with many severe gastrointestinal distress cases in pets. Contact Trilby Animal Hospital for a thorough examination to determine the cause of your pet’s vomiting or diarrhea and move forward with the most effective treatment. So, what might cause vomiting or diarrhea in your pets? Let’s take a look.


Ingestion of Toxic Materials

Pet owners know we must take precautions to keep certain substances like antifreeze carefully contained, but there are more common items in our kitchens that also present a hazard to pets. Cats and dogs cannot ingest onions, grapes, chocolate, coffee, or alcohol, among other items, some of which are specific to the species. Severe gastrointestinal distress and even seizures can follow, and without an immediate trip to a pet emergency clinic, your pet could die. Treatment for toxic ingestion involves the veterinarian inducing vomiting or otherwise getting the substance out of the body, or neutralizing it.


In much the same way it happens for humans, the environment contains germs that pets accidentally pick up which can give them an upset stomach. Pet diarrhea and vomiting caused by a virus is somewhat expected but still needs to be closely watched. You do not want your pet to lose too much weight and becoming weak from dehydration and malnutrition. Contact our animal hospital if you suspect your pet has caught a virus and needs treatment.

Food Allergies

If your pet tries a new brand of food, an unexpected allergic reaction to one of the ingredients may occur. Although diets for pets are specially formulated, some pets have sensitive stomachs. Allergic reactions may include vomiting, diarrhea, swelling, rashes, and other dermatological signs. Food and other allergies can be hard to treat since it can be difficult to determine the cause, so looking at your pet’s diet is a good place to start.

Blockage or Impaction

A buildup of materials that blocks your pet’s digestive tract is very dangerous. Your pet might act listless and uncomfortable as it is likely in pain, and it will regurgitate food since the digestive process has stopped. Veterinary care is needed to resolve this medical issue.

Treatment for Sick Pets in Toledo, OH

If your pet has been under the weather recently or you suspect it has eaten something toxic, call our team at Trilby Animal Hospital today at (419) 474-5403 to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. 

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